We have an expert teaching faculty of Orthopaedic, Rheumatology and Radiology Consultants and Specialist Physiotherapists who delivery high quality courses that receive excellent participant feedback.
We have designed courses relevant to all members of the multi-disciplinary team that are delivered in our state-of-the-art Education Centre. Please read below for specific course details:

Cadaveric Upper Limb Courses (in association with Arthrex UK)
In 2019 we introduced two new cadaveric upper limb courses. The first was aimed at orthopaedic registrars and covers theatre set-up, injections, knot tying workshops, arthroscopy workshops and open surgical approaches. The second was aimed at physiotherapists and demonstrates common upper limb surgical techniques and review of anatomy plus discussion regarding implications for rehabilitation. Unfortunately plans for similar courses in 2020 have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Advanced Shoulder Triage Course.
The course is aimed at GPs, advanced nurse practitioners, A&E SHOs and physiotherapists working in primary care or triage clinics. The aim of the course is to improve clinical assessment skills and understanding of which patients to refer to secondary care for elective or urgent treatment based upon research evidence and national guidelines.
Shoulder pathology & clinical assessment
Urgent / red flag scenarios
What is the most appropriate imaging?
Conservative versus orthopaedic management
Practical workshops with real patients
Next course: Friday 11th September 2020 ***Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic***
Cost: £120 including refreshments
To book please contact Milly Mistry